KML File Name |
KML File Title |
Linked from:* |
Admiralty.kml  | Admiralty Sound | SOUTH50.htm |
Agnes.kml  | Cape Gloucester to Tower Rocks | SOUTH50.htm |
Ainsworth3D.kml  | Ainsworth Bay, 3D view | NARRATIVE1-1.htm |
Anchor.kml  | Brazo Ancho Point to Anchor Bay | SOUTH50.htm |
Ancon.kml  | Ancon Sin Salida | NARRATIVE1-2.htm |
Atlantic30.kml  | Agassiz: The Hassler Glacier | AGASSIZ.htm |
Atlantic31.kml  | Agassiz: Straits of Magellan | AGASSIZ.htm |
Avalanche.kml  | Avalanche Point to Devil Island | SOUTH50.htm |
BeagleChap01-1.kml  | Devonport | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-2.kml  | Islas Canarias | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-3.kml  | Cape Verde Archipelago | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-4.kml  | Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-5.kml  | Fernando de Noronha | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-6.kml  | Salvador | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap01-7.kml  | Abrolhos Islets | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap02-1.kml  | Rio de Janeiro to Sossêgo | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap02-2.kml  | Botafogo Bay and Gávea | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap03.kml  | Montevideo to Rio Polanco | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap04.kml  | Rio Negro to Punta Alta | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap06.kml  | Bahía Blanca to Buenos Aires | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap07.kml  | Buenos Aires to Santa Fe & return | BEAGLE-1.htm |
BeagleChap08-1.kml  | Montevideo to Mercedes & return | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap08-2.kml  | San Blas to Port San Julián | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap09-1.kml  | Rio Santa Cruz Expedition | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap09-2.kml  | Falkland Islands | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap10-1.kml  | Cape San Diego to Cape Horn | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap10-2.kml  | Goeree Road to York Minster | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap10-3.kml  | Woolaia Cove to York Minster | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap11-1.kml  | Strait of Magellan | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap11-2.kml  | Eyre's Sound to Gulf of Penas | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap12.kml  | Valparaiso to Cauquenes & Return | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap13-1.kml  | San Carlos {Ancud} to San Pedro | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap13-2.kml  | Vallenar Road to Low's Harbour, Monte Cono | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap14-1.kml  | San Carlos to Punta Huentemó | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap14-2.kml  | Excursions from Concepción & Valdivia | BEAGLE-2.htm |
BeagleChap15.kml  | Valparaiso to Mendoza & return | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap16-1.kml  | Valparaiso to Copiapó | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap16-2.kml  | Copiapó to Rio Jorquera; to Agua Amarga & returns | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap16-3.kml  | Iquique to Huantajaya, Santa Rosa & return | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap16-4.kml  | Callao to Lima, San Lorenzo & returns | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap17.kml  | Galápagos Islands | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap17-1.kml  | Chatham (San Cristóbal) | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap17-2.kml  | Charles (Santa María/Floreana) | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap17-3.kml  | Albemarle (Isabela) | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap17-4.kml  | James (San Salvador) | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap18-1.kml  | Tuamoto & Tahiti | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap18-2.kml  | New Zealand | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap19-1.kml  | Sydney to Bathurst & return | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap19-2.kml  | Hobart and vicinity | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap19-3.kml  | King George's Sound | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap20.kml  | Keeling Islands | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-1.kml  | Mauritius & Bourbon {now, Réunion} | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-2.kml  | Cape of Good Hope & Simon's Bay | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-3.kml  | St. Helena | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-4.kml  | Ascension Island | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-5.kml  | Bahía to Pernambuco to Porto Praya | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleChap21-6.kml  | Tenerife to Falmouth | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleCrater.kml  | Beagle Crater | BEAGLE-3.htm |
BeagleTrack.kml  | Darwin: Chapters 1-11 | NARRATIVE3-1.htm
, NARRATIVE3-2.htm
, NARRATIVE2-3.htm
, BEAGLE-1.htm
, NARRATIVE2-2.htm
Brazil.kml  | Fernando de Noronha to Santa Catherina | BRAZIL.htm |
Brother.kml  | Orozco Table to Strait of Le Maire | SOUTH50.htm |
Bynoe.kml  | Gilbert Davies Head to Kempe Peaks | SOUTH50.htm |
CapeVerde.kml  | Biseghier, Sierra Leone | VESPUCCI.htm |
Castle.kml  | Castle Hill to Mount Stokes | SOUTH50.htm |
Channel.kml  | Union Peak and Twoboats Point | SOUTH50.htm |
ChileAconcagua.kml  | Los Hornitos to Quillota | CHILE.htm |
ChileAzucar.kml  | Hueso Parado to Morro | CHILE.htm |
ChileBioBio.kml  | Coliumo Head to Molguilla Point | CHILE.htm |
ChileCopiapo.kml  | Copiapo to Cliungunga Islet | CHILE.htm |
ChileCoquimbo.kml  | Temporary Places | CHILE.htm ? |
ChileGrandePoint.kml  | Northern Chile | CHILE.htm |
ChileOsorno.kml  | Rio Bueno to Mount Yate | CHILE.htm |
ChileValdivia.kml  | Mocha Island to Galera Point | CHILE.htm |
ChileValparaiso.kml  | Valparaiso to Boquitata Point | CHILE.htm |
ChiloeCentral.kml  | Central Chiloe | CHILOE.htm |
ChiloeNorth.kml  | Northern Chiloe | CHILOE.htm |
ChiloeSouth.kml  | Southern Chiloe | CHILOE.htm |
ChonosCentral.kml  | Central Chonos Archipelago | CHONOS.htm |
ChonosNorth.kml  | Northern Chonos Archipelago | CHONOS.htm |
ChonosSouth.kml  | Southern Chonos Archipelago | CHONOS.htm |
Corcovado.kml  | Minchinmadom to Yanteles Mountains | CHILOE.htm |
Coy.kml  | Temporary Places | SOUTH50.htm |
Darwin.kml  | King Island to Mount Darwin | SOUTH50.htm |
DeepWater.kml  | Saturday Harbour to Deepwater Head | SOUTH50.htm |
Duncan.kml  | White Horse Island to Cape Isabel | SOUTH50.htm |
Eastern.kml  | Pillar Rock to Windward Bay | SOUTH50.htm |
EstadosE.kml  | Newyear Island to Dampier Islands | SOUTH50.htm |
EstadosW.kml  | Cape Colnett to Cape San Bartholomew | SOUTH50.htm |
Falklands1.kml  | West Cay to Passages Island | FALKLANDS.htm |
Falklands2.kml  | North Islet to Cape Meridith | FALKLANDS.htm |
Falklands3.kml  | Wreck Island to Low Kelp Patch | FALKLANDS.htm |
Falklands4.kml  | Eddystone Rock to Beauchesne Island | FALKLANDS.htm |
Falklands5.kml  | Long Island to Driftwood Point | FALKLANDS.htm |
Falklands6.kml  | Macbride Head to Port Pleasant | FALKLANDS.htm,, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Famine.kml  | Mount St. Philip to Cape Froward | SOUTH50.htm |
Fitz01-1.kml  | Whale-boat & Christmas Sounds, Nassau Bay | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz03-1.kml  | Barn Pool to Plymouth Sound | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz03-2.kml  | Plymouth Sound to Bay of Biscay | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz03-3.kml  | Porto Santo to Peak of Teneriffe | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz03-4.kml  | Port Praya & Ribeira Grande | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz03-5.kml  | Cabos São Tomé & Frio, Ilha Raza, Rio de Janeiro | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz04-1.kml  | Rio Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Raza | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz04-2.kml  | Rio de Janeiro to Cabo de Santa Marta Grande | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz04-3.kml  | Rio de la Plata | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Fitz05-1.kml  | Punta Médanos to Peninsula Valdés | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Fitz05-2.kml  | Puerto Belgrano to Bahía San Blas | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Fitz06-1.kml  | Rio La Plata to Tierra del Fuego | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz06-2.kml  | Cabo San Diego to Bahía San Francisco | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Fitz08-1.kml  | Seno Obstrucción to Canal Bárbara | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz10-1.kml  | Cape Rowley to Sesambre | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz10-2.kml  | Cape Desolation to Point Divide | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz10-3.kml  | Cape Desolation to Point Divide | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Fitz10-4.kml  | Cape San Diego to Falklands | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
FitzRoy.kml  | Mount Peter to Hall Point | SOUTH50.htm |
FitzRoyTableAzores.kml  | Azores | ALBO.htm |
FitzRoyTableCVerde.kml  | Cape Verde | ALBO.htm |
FitzRoyTableEngland.kml  | Devonport & Falmouth | ALBO.htm |
FitzRoyTableStPauls.kml  | St. Paul—Penêdo de San Pedro | ALBO.htm |
Flamsteed.kml  | Cape Flamsteed to Mt. Observation | SOUTH50.htm |
Flyover.kml  | Google Earth "Flyover" Tour | BEAGLE-3.htm |
Galapagos.kml  | Galápagos Islands | GALAPAGOS.htm |
GalapagosCentral.kml  | James to Albemarle Islands | GALAPAGOS.htm |
GalapagosNorth.kml  | Wenman to Towers Islands | GALAPAGOS.htm |
GalapagosSouth.kml  | Chatham to Hood Islands | GALAPAGOS.htm, NARRATIVE2-3.htm |
Gallegos.kml  | Mount Tiger to Convent Hill | SOUTH50.htm |
Gidley.kml  | Hately Point to Cape Charles | SOUTH50.htm |
GlacierAlley.kml  | Glacier Alley | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
GlacierAlleyTour.kml  | Glacier Alley | MAPS/INDEX.htm |
Hardy.kml  | Packsaddle Island to False Cape Horn | NARRATIVE1-3.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Hat.kml  | Stewart Harbour to Phillips Rocks | SOUTH50.htm |
Henderson.kml  | Tekeenica Sound to Ragged Point | SOUTH50.htm |
Hermite.kml  | Hermite Island Group | SOUTH50.htm |
Herschel.kml  | Dutch Point to Austin Point | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Holland.kml  | Charles Island to Dos Hermanas | SOUTH50.htm |
Jerome.kml  | Corona Island to El Morrion | SOUTH50.htm |
Kendall.kml  | Puerto Bueno to Diana Peak | SOUTH50.htm |
LAigle.kml  | L'Aigle Shoal | DIARY.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Lennox.kml  | Cape Rowley to Sesambre | SOUTH50.htm |
Lisbon.kml  | Azores, Canary Islands, Lisbon | VESPUCCI.htm |
London.kml  | North Cove to Catherina Isle | SOUTH50.htm |
Magalhaens.kml  | Mount Aymond to Nombre Head | NARRATIVE2-2.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Monmouth.kml  | Mount Cruz to Port Gallant | SOUTH50.htm |
Narrows.kml  | Gregory Range to St. Philip Bay | NARRATIVE1-2.htm, NARRATIVE1-3.htm |
Navarino.kml  | Clay Cliff Narrow to Vauverlandt Islet | SOUTH50.htm |
NosePeak.kml  | Between Point to Gap Peak | SOUTH50.htm |
Notch.kml  | Between Point to Gap Peak [sic] | SOUTH50.htm |
PampaNorth.kml  | Medanos Chato to Mount Hermoso | PAMPA.htm |
PampaSouth.kml  | Bahía Blanca to Rio Negro | PAMPA.htm |
Parker.kml  | Cape Victory to Cape Phillip | SOUTH50.htm |
PatagoniaCentral.kml  | Dundee Rock to Eyre Sound | PATAGONIA-W.htm |
PatagoniaE1.kml  | Nipple Hill to Delgado Point | PATAGONIA-E.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
PatagoniaE2.kml  | Port Western to Cape South | PATAGONIA-E.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
PatagoniaE3.kml  | Leones Island to Rivers Peak | PATAGONIA-E.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
PatagoniaE4.kml  | Port Desire to Weddell Bluff | NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
PatagoniaNorth.kml  | Channel's Mouth to Cape Dyer | PATAGONIA-W.htm |
PatagoniaSouth.kml  | Cape Montague to Mount Double Peak | PATAGONIA-W.htm |
Peru1.kml  | Guayaquil to Macabi Islet | PERU.htm |
Peru2.kml  | Huanchaco Point to Chancay Head | PERU.htm |
Peru3.kml  | Pescador Islands to San Nicholas Bay | PERU.htm |
Peru4.kml  | San Juan to Iquique | PERU.htm |
Peru5.kml  | Patche Point to Mount Trigo | PERU.htm |
Pilar.kml  | Cape Pilar to Cotesworth Island | SOUTH50.htm |
PilarChapel.kml  | Nuestra Señora del Pilar Chapel | FALKNER.htm |
Plata.kml  | Buenos Aires to Cape San Antonio | NARRATIVE2-2.htm |
Providence.kml  | Cape Providence to Shelter Isle | SOUTH50.htm |
Ramirez.kml  | Diego Ramirez Group | NARRATIVE2-1.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Rio.kml  | Cabos de São Roque, Santo Agostinho, Rio | VESPUCCI.htm |
Roldan.kml  | Roldan's Bell to Mount Buckland | SOUTH50.htm |
Sandy.kml  | Oazy Harbour to Sandy Point | NARRATIVE2-2.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
SantaInez.kml  | Arenas Point to Cape San Vincente | PLACENAMES.htm, SANSEBASTIAN.htm, NARRATIVE2-2.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Schouten.kml  | Schouten ? | SCHOUTEN.htm, MAPS/INDEX.htm |
Sebastian.kml  | San Sebastian | SANSEBASTIAN.htm |
Sholl.kml  | Robert H. Sholl Gravesite | MAGELLAN.htm |
Singular.kml  | Clanricarde Point to San Juan Point | SOUTH50.htm |
Spaniard.kml  | Cape San Pio to Mount Bell | SOUTH50.htm |
StaCruzCentral.kml  | Mt. Stepout to Chalia Stream | SOUTH50.htm |
StaCruzMouth.kml  | Rio Santa Cruz mouth | SOUTH50.htm |
StaCruzSource.kml  | Rio Santa Cruz source to 2nd Indian Pass | SOUTH50.htm |
Success.kml  | Good Success, Cape and Bay of | SOUTH50.htm |
Tamar.kml  | Cape Tamar and Fincham Islands | SOUTH50.htm |
Thetis.kml  | HMS Thetis Track | NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Tours.kml  | Stella Australis Routes | ../MAPS/INDEX.htm |
Tywyn.kml  | Tywyn Area | DARWINAUTOBIO.htm |
Vespucci.kml  | Vespucci's Third Voyage | VESPUCCI.htm |
Victoria.kml  | User Instructions | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, ALBO.htm, BAUTISTA.htm, MAGELLAN.htm |
Victoria1.kml  | Departure from Spain | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, BAUTISTA.htm |
Victoria2.kml  | Tenerife to 4° North Latitude | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, ALBO.htm, BAUTISTA.htm |
Victoria3.kml  | Cabo de Santo Agostinho to Ilha de Paquetá | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, ALBO.htm, BAUTISTA.htm |
Victoria4.kml  | Baia dos Reis to Cerro de Montevideo | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, ALBO.htm, BAUTISTA.htm |
Victoria5.kml  | Montevideo to San Julián | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, BAUTISTA.htm |
Victoria6.kml  | San Julián to Pacific Ocean | PIGAFETTA.htm, PORTUGUESE.htm, ALBO.htm, BAUTISTA.htm, MAGELLAN.htm |
Wickham.kml  | Mount Vernal to Mount Hart | SOUTH50.htm |
Windhond.kml  | Windhond Bay | NARRATIVE1-3.htm, NARRATIVE2-1.htm |
Wollaston.kml  | Evouts to Wollaston Island | NARRATIVE2-2.htm, SOUTH50.htm |
Wulaia3D.kml  | Wulaia3D | SOUTH50.htm |
York.kml  | Hamond Island to York Minster | SOUTH50.htm |