Coast of Peru

 Coordinates  recorded by Alexander Usborne on the Constitucion after departure of HMS Beagle.

Place Name Lat. South Long. West
Ahuja Point —western cliff summit05° 55' 30"81° 10' 00"
Algodon Bay —extremity of point22° 06' 00"70° 17' 05"
Arica —Mole18° 28' 05"70° 23' 45"
Arica —summit of Monte Gordo18° 28' 55"70° 23' 30"
Asia Rock —summit12° 48' 00"76° 41' 55"
Atico —east cove16° 13' 30"73° 45' 15"
Beware Point —south-west extreme15° 08' 35"75° 25' 45"
Blanco, Cape —under middle high cliff04° 16' 40"81° 15' 45"
Callao Bay —Arsenal Flagstaff12° 04' 00"277° 13' 30"
Carrasco, Mount —highest summit20° 58' 30"70° 09' 45"
Carreta, Mount —summit14° 09' 50"76° 20' 20"
Casma Bay —inner south point09° 28' 00"78° 25' 35"
Chala Point —extreme15° 48' 00"74° 31' 00"
Chancay Head —summit11° 35' 55"77° 20' 35"
Chao Islet —centre08° 46' 30"78° 49' 00"
Chilca Cove —Rock—summit12° 29' 20"76° 52' 30"
Chilca Point —south-west pitch12° 31' 00"76° 52' 40"
Chipana Bay —O.S.21° 23' 00"70° 10' 50"
Chorillos [sic, Chorrillos] Bay  (no coordinates given, modern source inserted)10° 46' 00"77° 46' 00"
Cobija —flagstaff—landing-place22° 34' 00"70° 21' 05"
Coles Point —extremity17° 42' 00"71° 26' 15"
Colina Redonda —summit09° 38' 35"78° 24' 20"
Constitución Cove —shingle point on island23° 26' 42"70° 40' 30"
Doña Maria —Table—central summit14° 41' 00"75° 53' 40"
Eten Head —summit over06° 56' 40"79° 53' 50"
Ferrol Bay —Blanco Island—summit09° 06' 30"78° 39' 25"
Frayles Point —extreme13° 01' 00"76° 34' 50"
George, Mount —Morro Jorge—summit23° 15' 10"70° 39' 45"
Gorda Point —western low extreme19° 19' 00"70° 21' 30"
Guañape Islands —summit of highest08° 34' 50"78° 59' 15"
Guayaquil —south end of city02° 13' 00"79° 53' 30"
Hormigas Islet —largest (southern)11° 58' 00"77° 50' 00"
Huacho Point —extreme pitch11° 08' 45"77° 40' 15"
Huanchaco Point —south-west extremity08° 05' 40"79° 09' 00"
Huarmey —west end of sandy beach10° 06' 15"78° 13' 00"
Iquique —centre of island20° 12' 30"70° 14' 30"
Islay, Mount —summit16° 56' 05"72° 08' 30"
Islay —Custom House17° 00' 00"72° 10' 15"
Jaguay, or Gramadel, Head —west extremity10° 25' 15"78° 03' 30"
Jara Pont —summit23° 53' 00"70° 35' 45"
Jaron, Mount —summit23° 52' 30"70° 32' 15"
Lambayeque —beach opposite06° 46' 00"79° 59' 30"
Loa, Rio —mouth of21° 28' 00"70° 06' 15"
Lobo Point, or Blanca —outer pitch21° 05' 30"70° 15' 45"
Lobo Point —summit18° 45' 40"70° 25' 30"
Lobos de Afuera Island —Fishing Cove on east side06° 56' 45"80° 43' 55"
Lobos de Tierra —central summit06° 26' 45"80° 52' 50"
Lobos Island —near Payta—south extreme05° 13' 35"81° 13' 10"
Lomas —flagstaff on Point15° 33' 15"74° 54' 45"
Macabi Islet —summit07° 49' 15"79° 30' 55"
Malabrigo Bay —rocks07° 42' 40"79° 28' 00"
Malpelo Point —mouth of Tumbes River03° 30' 40"80° 30' 30"
Mexillones Hill —summit23° 06' 30"70° 35' 00"
Mollendo 17° 00' 00"71° 00' 00"
Mongon, Mount —western summit09° 38' 15"78° 21' 15"
Moreno, Mount —summit23° 28' 30"70° 38' 15"
Morro Solar —summit12° 11' 30"77° 06' 15"
Nasca Point —summit14° 57' 00"75° 34' 30"
Pacasmayo Point —north-west extreme07° 25' 15"79° 37' 25"
Paraca Bay —west point—north extreme13° 48' 00"76° 22' 15"
Pariña Point —extreme04° 40' 50"81° 20' 45"
Patache Point —extreme20° 51' 05"70° 18' 15"
Payta —new end of town05° 05' 30"81° 08' 15"
Payta —Silla (or Saddle)—south summit05° 12' 00"81° 09' 20"
Pelado Islet —summit11° 27' 10"77° 53' 00"
Pescador Islands —summit of largest11° 47' 10"77° 19' 50"
Pescadores Point —south-west extreme16° 23' 50"73° 20' 25"
Pica Pabellon —summit20° 57' 40"70° 14' 00"
Picos Point —extreme cliff03° 45' 10"80° 47' 30"
Pisagua —Point Pichalo—extreme19° 36' 30"70° 19' 00"
Pisco —Town—middle13° 43' 00"76° 16' 30"
Puná Island —Consulate on Point Española02° 47' 30"79° 57' 45"
Quilca —Cove—west head16° 42' 20"72° 31' 00"
Reyes Head —extreme pitch24° 34' 30"70° 39' 45"
Salinas Hill —summit11° 15' 30"77° 39' 55"
Sama, Mount —highest summit17° 58' 35"70° 56' 15"
Samanco Bay —Cross Point09° 15' 30"78° 32' 45"
San Francisco Head —west pitch21° 55' 50"70° 14' 45"
San Gallan —Island—northern summit13° 50' 00"76° 31' 15"
San Juan —Needle Hummock15° 20' 56"75° 13' 20"
San Lorenzo Island —north point12° 04' 00"177° 19' 00"
San Nicholas Bay  (no coordinates given, modern source inserted)15° 15' 39"75° 13' 47"
Sana Point —extreme07° 10' 35"79° 43' 30"
Santa —centre of projecting point09° 00' 00"78° 41' 30"
Sechura Town —church05° 35' 00"80° 49' 45"
Supé —west end of village10° 49' 45"77° 47' 00"
Tambo Valley —Point Mexico—south-west extreme17° 10' 50"71° 52' 00"
Trigo, Mount —summit24° 40' 00"70° 36' 15"
Truxillo —church08° 07' 30"79° 04' 00"
Wickham, Mount —summit08° 20' 00"78° 49' 00"
Wilson, Mount —summit14° 04' 50"76° 20' 15"
Ylo Town —rivulet mouth17° 37' 00"71° 23' 45"
Yndependencia Bay —south point of Santa Rosa Island14° 18' 15"76° 13' 30"