
Table of Latitude, Longitude and Variation of the Compass …

(Subsequently referred to by its shorter “Table of Positions” title)

Each link below displays a table based on indicated page(s) in FitzRoy's Appendix, with locations listed in same order as printed page.

England, Azores & Cape Verde Islands6550°22'00" – 00°55'30"moving south
Brazil and Plata (Click globe button to change image)6503°50'00" – 36°18'30"
Pampa65-6636°28'00" – 41°02'00"
Eastern Patagonia66-6740°40'00" – 49°59'20"
Falkland Islands67-6957°31'45" – 61°27'30"in alphabetical order
South of 50° (Exclusive of Falklands)69-7750°00'15" – 56°29'52"
West Coast of Patagonia77-7849°58'20" – 47°28'55"moving north
Chonos Archipelego78-7947°10'00" – 43°43'00"
Archipelego of Chiloé79-8043°41'50" – 41°56'00"
Coast of Chile80-8241°45'30" – 25°02'30"
Coast of Peru82-8424°40'00" – 02°13'00"
Galápagos IslandsReturn to Galápagos website8401°39'30" – 01°25'00"
Other Positions8507°55'33" – 42°53'30"westward across Pacific, Indian Oceans; northward to England