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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 86, Mar 24, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

his right foot, between the great & second toe some seven or eight days previous: he immediately & in great alarm went to the Rev. Mr. Nobbs & requested him to go & see the child who is about 11 years of age. The Rev. Mr. Nobbs had been confined to his bed all the preceeding day from an attack of bronchitis which had been much aggravated by performing divine service on Wednesday evening. This however did not weigh with him [as?], considering if the poor child should be suffering from tetanus, is in a worse state than himself. Hastily collecting such medicines as the urgency of the case demanded he hastened to William Quintalls house & found the poor child complaining pitifully of the pain in the back, neck & jaws which were already quite rigid. After giving the little sufferer such medicines as was necessary & opening the closed wound with a penknife he was commended to the care of his heavenly Father & left until daylight. At daylight a deeper incision was made in the wound & some hot turpentine injected, another dose of calomel was now given him, & a grain of opium every two hours. Finding that the calomel did not procure a stool, two drops of croton oil were given him, & an enema, warm water & sweet oil this procured him several stools & he seemed somewhat easier. Some ley from wood ashes was also made & his foot bathed in it. It was afterwards poulticed & so passed the day between hope & fear

The child was very quiet between the intervals of the spasmodic restrictions. The Rev. Mr. Nobbs conversed with him frequently on the love of

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