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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 85, Mar 11-24, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

& an unblemished character.

Mar 11, 1855

March 11th
Jemima Young very unwell from asthma attended with an unusual degree of fever. Several others are also indisposed

Mar 14, 1855

" 14th
Jonathan Adams attacked with fever & dysentery on the west side of the Island. The whale boat went round to fetch him home

Mar 15, 1855

" 15th
Jonathan Adams alarmingly ill

Mar 22, 1855

" 22
Jemima Young much better, Jonathan Adams in a very precarious state, several others added to the sick list

Mar 24, 1855

" 24
To day a sad catastrophe ended fatally Yesterday morning, the Rev. G.H. Nobbs was summoned from his bed by William Quintall who said he feared one of his children was siezed with lockjaw. The child had complained to his mother the evening previous, that his neck felt stiff & that it was with difficulty he ate the sweet potato he had for supper. His mother thinking it must be a slight touch of the epidemic prevalent just now, thought nothing of it but told the child to finis[h] his supper & go to bed. During the first part of the night he was very restless & frequently sat up in the bed & after a short interval lay down again. Shortly after midnight he got up to take a drink of water & in going for it fell on the floor. His parents now became alarmed, as he complained of pain in his foot, his neck & his jaw, & it flashed in his fathers mind that the boy had punctured

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