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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 87, Mar 24-Apr 7, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

Christ to children, the dear little sufferer was quite collected, said he was not afraid to die & that he loved the Saviour & was desirous of going to be with him. At sunset all hope of his recovery gave way. A great number of the inhabitants assembled to assist & in the arms of some of them he was held throughout the night not being able to lie down. It was a sorrowful night. At daylight he grew rapidly worse, the spasms though not very violent were continual and his dear little heart beat 150 in a minute, at nine he was put in a warm bath for a few minutes, after which he rapidly sunk & at half past ten while [those?] assembled there were engaged in prayer for his [?] spirit, he said "Lord Jesus receive my spirit" & yielded up his soul without a struggle into the hands of his Maker. Tis a sudden & painful bereavement but we trust that dear child is for ever with the Lord.

[The boy was Edward Quintal (6-1844).]

Mar 25, 1855

March 25th
Charles Allen son of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Apr 4, 1855

April 4th.
Louisa Buffett prematurely delivered of a female child which died shortly after its birth

Apr 7, 1855

" 7th
Early this morning many of t1he canoes went out fishing & nearly all the men & larger boys went on the rocks in search of squid. Daniel McCoy with Lydia his wife & three or four boys went on the rocks on the N.W. side of the Island to a place called "Look out" in search of squid. Not meeting with much success, they concluded to go to a place farther westward

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