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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 58, Aug 10-13, 1852

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1852 continued

into Holy orders, & to leave the Rev. W. H. Holman in his stead until he should return.

Aug 10, 1852

Aug. 10th.
To day the Admiral kindly brought his band of musicians on shore to amuse the Islanders. They landed at 9 A.M. and returned on board at 4 P.M. The Islanders were highly delighted with the performances of the band.

Aug 11, 1852

" 11th.
Mr. Nobbs having concluded to accept of the Admirals kind offer took leave of the community and at 11 A.M. embarked with his daughter Jane on board of the "Portland" for Valparaiso. They were accompanied on board by some of the Islanders who after taking leaving [leave] of the kind officers & crew of the Portland and of their teacher returned on shore and the Frigate pursued its course to Valparaiso bearing with her the best wishes of the community.

I must here remark that the kindness shown the inhabitants of this Island by the officers and crew of the Portland is such that we could never repay in fact it is beyond our powers sufficiently to thank them. Among the many useful articles they left us us is a bull and cow (calves) for which we have long wished.

Aug 12, 1852

" 12th.
Scarcely had the Portland left us, when the Influenza made its appearance among us. Several were attacked to day

Aug 13, 1852

" 13th
Several fresh cases of Influenza.

Aug 1852

" [?]
Several of the sick are in a convalescent state.

Aug 1852

" [?]
Mayhew Young cut his foot severely while cutting wood for the American Whaleship Joseph Meigs. The wound was dressed by Capt. Allen of the Whaler & the Rev. W. H. Holman.

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