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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 59, Aug 25-Nov 17, 1852

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1852 continued

Aug 26, 1852

Aug. 26th.
Maria Edith daughter of Philip & Sarah McCoy born

Oct 3, 1852

Oct. 3rd.
Mary Emily daughter of Benjamin & Eliza Christian born

Oct 10, 1852

" 10th.
The Sacrament of the Holy communion administered for the first time on the Island

Oct 25, 1852

" 25th.
Mary Christian died after lingering many months aged 41. years. Another of our number is removed from among us and we fervently hope she [?] to a happier and better land. We deeply commiserate[?] with[?] the grief of her sorrowing family, but trust that that good Providence which "tempers the [wind's?] blast to the shorn lamb" will enable them to hold up under the heavy blow they have sustained and may we all recognize in this dire calamity one of those visitation sent by that All wise [?] who chasteneth those whom he loveth.

Oct 31, 1852

" 31st.
William Wilburn Quintall died, aged 5 years & 6 months. His death was occasioned by a thorn slightly wounding him in the heel producing lockjaw.

Nov 17, 1852

Nov. 17th.
At 5 P.M. A sail was discried to the North East of the Island. In a few minutes we had the satisfaction to know she was a vessel of war. A boat immediately put off to her, and returned at 10 P.M. The vessel proved to be H.M. Schooner "Cockatrice" William Ward Dillon Esq. Master Commanding as Mr. Dillon is an old acquaintance, the community were not a little mortified at his not coming ashore accordingly next morning all were anxiously waiting to welcome him ashore again. Mr. Dillon landed at 11 AM. bringing with him letters for the community and for private individuals. By letters which Mr. D. brought we learn of the safe arrival

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