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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 57, Aug 8-9, 1852

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1852 continued

friends. During the afternoon the precipices were lined with anxious spectators intently gazing upon the vessel untill the shades of night hid her from our view

Aug 8, 1852

Aug. 8th.
This morning at early dawn we were aroused by the report of a gun. We lost no time in manning the whale boat and an hour after we had turned out of our beds ten of our number were on board of H.B.M. Frigate "Portland" bearing the flag of Rear Adml. Fairfax Moresby of the blue, 11 days from the society Islands and bound to Valparaiso. At 9 A.M. the Admiral & his secretary landed in one of the frigates boats. At 12 Capt. Chads and a party of officers landed in our whaleboat from the frigate. It being the Sabbath the Rev. Mr. Holman, chaplain of the "Portland" officiated at evening service. He preached from the 10th Chapter 1st. Epistle to the Corinthians 58th verse. After service some of the officers went on board. The Admiral Captain Chaplain Secretary and a few others remained during the night

Aug 9, 1852

" 9th.
This morning at 9 another party of officers landed and at twelve Capt. Chads returned on board accompanied by several of the ladies of the Island. While the ladies were on board the Royal standard of Great Britain was hoisted and a salute of 21 guns fired. The ladies returned at sundown much pleased with their visit. To day Adml. Moresby proposed to the Inhabitants to take the teacher Mr. Nobbs to England to be admitted

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