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Pitcairn Island Register - Page 56, Jan 31-Aug 7, 1852

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1852 continued

immediately manned and launched; in the course of a few hours she returned, bringing ashore Capt. Wellesley and others, officers of H,M.S. Daedalus from the Sandwich Islands, via Tahiti bound to Valparaiso. Capt Wellesley and his officers remained on shore all night and returned on board in the morning when a fresh party landed from the ship. Capt. W. and his officers were pleased to express their approbation of what they saw upon the Island and have by the urbanity of their conduct during the few hours they were among us gained the good will and esteem of all upon the Island.

Jan 31, 1852

Jany. 31st
At half past seven this morning Capt. Wellesley & his officers returned on board and the Daedalus left here for Valparaiso, bearing the good wishes of the Islanders

Jan 30, 1852

" 30th
Emily Wellesley daughter of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Mar 7, 1852

March 7th.
David Richard Barber son of Moses & Albina Young born

Mar 14, 1852

" 14th
David Richard Barber Young died. Aet. 1 week

Apr 5, 1852

April 5th.
Fletcher Christian died after a lingering illness of many months duration. As a member of the community the conduct of Fletcher Christian was ever worthy of imitation. Suffice it to say that his many amiable and agreeable qualities will cause his memory long to be cherished by those he has left behind.

Jun 13, 1852

June 13th.
John Forester son of Frederick & Mary Young born

Aug 7, 1852

Aug. 7th.
At 9 AM. A sail was descried bearing South West from the Island under a press of sail bearing in for the Island. A few hours after, and she was distinctly seen from the settlement when she was immediately pronounced to be a vessel of war. For a time all was in good spirits, in expectation of hearing of, and from, any

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