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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 26, 1789

Monday, May. 25, 1789

1:00 pm Fair Weather with a Fresh Gale and Squally with Rain at times.

5:00 pm Caught a Booby by hand, several flying about us almost lighting on our heads. I directed it to be killed for Supper when the blood was given to three of the most distressed for food. The body entrails beak & legs I divided into 18 peices and with a Small allowance of bread we made a chearfull supper.

Tuesday, May. 26, 1789

2:00 am Moon changed this morning.

5:00 am Very fine Weather which has encreased my peoples Spirits. Caught another Booby. Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for breakfast.

9:00 am Tropic Gulls, Boobies Noddies and many peices of Trees passing some covered with Barnacles.

12:00 pm Fine Weather. Served 1/24 pound Bread and divided the Bird as in the Evening into 18 parcels.


In the Evening we saw several Boobies, and flying so near to us that we caught one of them by hand. This Bird is as large as a good duck it has got its name from Seamen for Suffering itself to be caught on the masts and yards of Ships. They are generally in the neighbourhood of Land. I directed it to be killed for Supper and the blood was given to three of the most distressed for want of food. The body Entrails Beak and feet I divided into 18 shares and with an allowance of Bread which I made a merit of granting we made a good Supper.

In the morning we caught another Booby so that Providence seems to be releiving our wants in a very extraordinary manner. Towards noon we passed a great many peices of the branches of Trees, some of which appeared to have been a long time in the water. I got a good observation for the Latitude. Every person being overjoyed at the addition to our Dinner which I distributed as I had done in the Evening, giving the Blood to those who were the most in want of food. To make our Bread a little Savory we frequently dip it in Salt water, but for my part I always break it into Small peices and eat it in my allowance of water in a Cocoa nutt Shell with a Spoon taking care never to take but a peice at a time so that I am as long at dinner as at a more plentifull meal.

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