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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 27, 1789

Tuesday, May. 26, 1789

1:00 pm Fine Weather. I think Monsieur Bougainville was about this Track in the month of June and had weather very like to what I have experienced. It also runs to the Eastward of the Friendly Islands but from 100 leagues to the Eastward of them to Otaheite and to the Eastward the weather in these months is more Serene and Settled.

6:00 pm At 6 Caught another Booby. The blood eat by those who were the weakest. The maw contained several Small Flying Fish & squids all of which I ordered to be kept for dinner.

Wednesday, May. 27, 1789

6:00 am Caught another Booby and prepared it for dinner with the other caught last night. Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Breakfast.

9:00 am Many Birds Boobies and Noddies.

12:00 pm Fine Weather but very hot. People very faint. I divided the two Birds with all the offals and Fish and distributed the Shares with Bread and water as yesterday


The weather is now serene but unhappily we feel we are not able to bear the suns heat, many of us suffering a languor and faintness which gives an indifference to life. We were however so fortunate to catch two Boobies to day their Stomachs contained several Flying Fish and Squids all of which I saved to be to be divided for dinner.

We passed much drift wood and saw many Birds. I therefore did not hesitate to pronounce that we were near the Reefs of New Holland and assured every one I would now without delay make the Coast in about the Parralell I was in and Range the Reef untill I found an opening through which we should get into Smooth water and pick up some supplies. From my recollection of Captain Cooks Survey of this Coast it considered the situation of it to be NW and I was therefore satisfied that with the Wind to the southward of East I could always clear any danger. I found it also absolutely necessary to give a change to the miserable Situation some of my People were in.

At Noon after writing up my account I divided the two Birds with the entrails and contents of their maws into 18 portions, and as the prize was a very valuable one it was divided as before by calling out who shall have this? so that today with with [sic] the allowance of 1/24 pound of water[*] at Breakfast and another at dinner with the proportion of water I was happy to see that every person thought he had feasted.

[* It is 'water' and underlined in the original, but he undoubtedly meant 'bread'.]

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