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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 25, 1789

Sunday, May. 24, 1789

1:00 pm Fine Weather and Fresh Gale. The Sea running fair and not breaking which is a great releif to us.
Many Birds, Boobies, Noddies and Men of War Birds

4:00 pm Examined the Bread.

Monday, May. 25, 1789

6:00 am Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Breakfast.

12:00 pm Fair Weather & Squally. Tropic Gulls and Noddies. Caught a noddy by hand it is about the Size of a Small Pigeon. This was a small help to us. I divided it with its entrails into 18 Portions and with 1/24 pound of Bread we made our dinner using Salt water as Sauce.


This afternoon we had many Birds about which are never far from land such as Boobies and Noddies.

About 3 oClock the sea began to run fair and we shipped but little water. I therefore determined to know the exact quantity of bread I had according to my present issues, and on examining it found I had 29 days allowance. In the course of this time I hoped to be at Timor, but as that was very uncertain, and perhaps after all be obliged to go to Java, I determined to proportion my Issues to 6 Weeks. I considered this would be ill received; it therefore demanded my most determined resolution to inforce it provided I was opposed, for small as the quantity was I intended to take away for our future good, yet it appeared like robbing them of life, and some who were particularly Voracious would not like it. I however represented it so essentially necessary to guard against delays on our Voyage by contrary Winds or other causes, and I promised to enlarge upon the allowance as we got on; that it was readily agreed to. I therefore fixed that every person should receive 1/24 pound for Breakfast and 1/24 pound for Dinner, so that by omitting the Issue at Supper I should have 43 days allowance.

At Noon we caught a Noddy by hand. It is about the size of a Small Pigeon. I divided it with its entrails into 18 portions and by the method of who shall have this? it was issued with the allowance of Bread for dinner and eat bones and all with Salt water for Sauce. Some of my people begin to exhibit great marks of weakness and complain of want of evacuation by Stool.

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