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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 24, 1789

Saturday, May. 23, 1789

1:00 pm Strong Gale and very high Sea. Constantly wet and bailing.

3:00 pm Many Mother Carey's Chickens.

4:00 pm Gale moderating and Sea less, so that I am able to Steer more across it

6:00 pm Weather looking much better which rejoices all hands. Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Supper.

Sunday, May. 24, 1789

12:00 am Fresh Gale and a fine night but being wet with the Sea we suffered cold.

6:00 am Fine Morning and I had the pleasure to see every ones countenance bear the marks of more life and Spirit than I expected. Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for breakfast and hung up all our wet cloaths which are now become so thread bare that they neither keep out cold or wet.

12:00 pm Fine Weather and for the first time these 15 days past we found a little warmth from the Sun. I now served an ounce of Pork with the usual allowance of Bread and water for Dinner.


Towards Evening the weather looked much better and rejoiced all hands so that they eat their miserable allowance with more satisfaction than for some time past. The night also was fair but being always wet with the Sea we Suffered cold, but a fine Morning I had the pleasure to see produce some chearfull countenances. Towards noon the weather improved and for the first time for 15 days past we found a little warmth from the Sun. We Stript & hung our cloaths up to dry which are now become so thread bare that they will neither keep out wet or cold. With the usual allowance of Bread and water for dinner I served an oz of Pork to each person.

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