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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 23, 1789

Friday, May. 22, 1789

1:00 pm Strong Gales and fair Weather but a high breaking Sea which keeps us constantly bailing and wet.

6:00 pm Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Supper

8:00 pm Hard Squalls and Rain

10:00 pm The Sea flying over us with great force. Constantly bailing, Dismal dark night.

Saturday, May. 23, 1789

5:00 am At Dawn of day I found every one in a most distressed condition. Served two teaspoonfulls of Rum to each person & the Rain being over every one wrung their wet cloaths through Salt Water.
Served 1/24 pound Bread & a Jill of water for Breakfast.

12:00 pm Fair Weather but very little abatement of the Gale and the Sea equally high. Served 1/24 pound Bread & a Jill of water for Dinner. Constantly wet & bailing. Every one has severe Bone Achs. With great difficulty I got an observation.


The Misery of this day has exceeded the preceeding. The night was dreadfull. The Sea flew over us with great force and kept us bailing with horror and anxiety. At Dawn of day I found every one in a most distressed situation, and I now began to fear that another such night would produce the End of several who were no longer able to bear it. Every one complained of Severe Bone Achs which was cured in some measure by about two Spoonfulls of Rum, and having wrung our cloaths and taken our breakfast of Bread and water we became a little refreshed. Towards noon it came fair but very little abatement of the Gale and the Sea equally high. With great difficulty I got an observation.

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