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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 21, 1789

Wednesday, May. 20, 1789

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and Cloudy.

3:00 pm Constant Rain. Many Birds. Boobies, Noddies and Tropic gulls flying close round us. Many sharks, Dolphins and other Fish but cannot catch any.

6:00 pm Served 1/24 pound Bread for Supper as usual to each person.

8:00 pm Fresh Gale and Rain.

10:00 pm A Very heavy Storm of Rain and dismal dark weather. Our Compass no use to us by night and we are obliged to steer as the Wind and Sea directs us.

Thursday, May. 21, 1789

2:00 am The Deluge of Rain was now so heavy that it was as with much difficulty we could keep the Boat free.

6:00 am At Dawn of day the Rain moderated a little. Served a teaspon full of Rum to each person.

8:00 am Served 1/24 pound of Bread and water for Breakfast as usual, every one miserably wet and cold and much distressed.

10:00 am The weather a little better.

12:00 pm Fresh Gales and cloudy Weather free of Rain with the Sun out at times, but the Sea every five minutes breaking over us so that we never can omit bailing. Served 1/24 pound of Bread and water for dinner.


Our Distresses are now extremely great we are covered with Rain and Sea that we can scarce see or make use of our Eyes. Sleep altho we long for it is horrible—for my part I seem to live without it. We suffer extreme cold and every one dreads the approach of night. About 2 o'Clock in the morning we experienced a most extreme deluge of Rain. It fell so heavy that we were afraid of a dangerous tendency to the Boat and were obliged to bail with all our might. It continued untill Dawn of Day when I served a large allowance of Rum. Towards noon the Rain abated and the Sun came out, but we were miserably wet and cold, the sea breaking constantly over us.

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