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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 20, 1789

Tuesday, May. 19, 1789

1:00 pm Moderate and Rainy Weather.

4:00 pm Deluge of Rain. Constantly bailing.

6:00 pm Served 1/24 pound of Bread for Supper. Water we want none for our thirst seems to be quenched through our Skin.

Wednesday, May. 20, 1789

12:00 am No intermission of Rain and at times a Deluge.

5:00 am At Dawn of day some of my people half dead. The weather continuing the same. I now served two teaspoonfulls of Rum to each person.

11:00 am Tropic Gulls Men of War Birds and Boobies.

12:00 pm Towards Noon the Rain abated and had the sun out. Hung up our wet things to dry. Served 1/24 pound of Bread and 2 Jills of water for Dinner


Constant Rain and at times a deluge. Always Bailing. At Dawn of day some of my People half dead. Our appearances were horrible, and I could look no way but I caught the Eye of some one. Extreme hunger is now evident, but thirst no one suffers or have we an Inclination to drink that desire being satisfied through our Skin. What little Sleep we get is in the midst of water, and we wake with Severe Cramps and Pains in the Bones. This morning I served two tea Spoonfulls of Rum to each person and the allowance of 1/24 pound of Bread as usual. At Noon the Sun shone out and revived everyone.

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