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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 19, 1789

Monday, May. 18, 1789

1:00 pmSqually with Rain.

3:00 pm A very confused Sea which breaks over us on all sides, constantly bailing.

6:00 pm Dark cloudy Weather and fresh Breezes. Washed and Wrung our cloaths in salt water. Served 1/24 pound Bread and Jill of water for Supper.

11:00 pmSqually with Rain

Tuesday, May. 19, 1789

1:00 am Constant heavy Rain and Lightning.

4:00 am Miserably cold.

8:00 am Rain abated. Wrung our wet cloaths, when I served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Breakfast.

10:00 amSqualls

11:00 am Fresh Gale and Constant Rain. I served an ½ ounce of Pork today with the Bread & water for dinner which was thought a Feast. Severe Bone achs. All night and day constantly bailing.


We past this day miserably wet and cold. Covered with Rain and Sea which we could only act against at intervals by pulling of[f] our cloaths and wringing them through the Sea water. In the night we had very severe Lightning but otherwise so dark we could scarce see each other. The morning produced to me many complaints on the Severity of the Weather, and I would gladly have issued my allowance of Rum if it had not appeared to me that we were to suffer much more, and that it was necessary to preserve the little I had to give releif at a time when less able to bear such hardships, but to make up, I issued about an half ounce of Pork to each person with the allowance of 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Dinner. All night and day bailing without intermission.

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