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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 21, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Sunday 21st December 1788

Fresh Gales and dark gloomy Weather with very heavy Rain, and Thunder and Lightning. Wind generally at ENE. Yet a very heavy swell running in the Bay, and a high breaking Sea over the Dolphin Bank with a great deal of surf on the shore. Towards noon the Swell abated and we got some water off with Breakers. Sick list 2 Venereals. Thermometer from 78 to 79¾. Armourer and Sailmakers employed as yesterday and two Carpenters making a Chest for Tynah as they have been these five days past.

The bad weather keeps us much more free of the Natives than we otherwise whould be, I have however the constant company of Tynah and his Family; both old and young of them are now so tied to me that they are not happy without being with me the most part of the day. I have got Tynahs chest nearly completed in the course of which he has always desired more nails to be drove than were necessary, but I now found the reason of this was, that they would be a Store to him whenever he chose to draw them out. I have therefore perhaps secured the chest from Injury by putting no more than was necessary to give it sufficient strength.

I have directed an Inscription to be cut on wood for to be placed at the Doctors Grave.

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