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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 20, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Saturday 20th December 1788

Fresh Gales and dark cloudy Weather with heavy Squalls of Rain Thunder and Lightning. Wind generally at EBN and the Thermometer from 77° to 80°.

A very heavy Swell in the Bay and a great sea on the Dolphin Bank & much Surf on the shore ship rolling very deep. Employed about such necessary duties as can be done. Sick list 2 Venereals.

This Afternoon I told Tynah that as the Weather was become unsettled and so much sea run in to the Bay, I should leave him very soon as it was unsafe for the ship to ride here and therefore desired him to let me know what things he wanted to have done by the Forge or Carpenters and to send them on board without any delay. This information threw him and his wife into very great distress, which for a long time I could not remove. They sollicited me very earnestly to stay one month longer with them, and I was at last obliged to tell them as that could not be, I would be here again in 24 months and then come at a Season when the fair Weather was and remain all the time with them. This had in some degree a good effect, but as they knew I intended to go to Imeo that gave them concern. I asked Tynah to go with me he could not he said as the Imeo Men would kill him notwithstanding my protection. All night he remained with me but his wife was obliged to go on shore on account of a young child. She was therefore desired to bring all the Iron that wanted any thing to be done to it in the Morning, which she did, and I had two Carpenters to work on their Chest which is 7 feet by 3 and is to serve the purpose of a Bed, and occasionally taken in their Cannoe. I got on shore in the morning with some difficulty where I found Otow, Oberreeroah, Moannah and several others in great tribulation about my leaving them so soon, and I have every reason to say that I beleive their greif to be real and unaffected as ever greif was.

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