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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 22, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Monday 22nd December 1788

Fresh Gales with intervals of little wind and very heavy Rain, Thunder and Lightning. Wind NE and EBN and the Thermometer from 77½ to 78¼.

Smooth water in the Bay but the Weather so bad could do nothing more than employ the Sailmakers with respect to the duty of the ship.

In the Evening the Carpenters finished Tynahs chest which was fixed on a kind of Barrow to make it conveninet to be carried in his Cannoes with a Roof over it.

In the morning altho very heavy Rain the cheifs came off with what Iron they had to be mended or made into fish hooks, but as there was very little intermission the Armourer could be little employed to serve them. My determination to leave this place is now become generally known and I find every means tried to prevent me from going to Imeo, such as describing them to be a bad set of People in every respect, and that they will kill one if ever they get an opportunity, but they are surprized to find me pay no attention to them and little suspect their Artifice is known. I only now wait for a proper opportunity to move the Plants, when I shall leave Matavai.

The Breadfruit begin to grow ripe and I am told they will be gone in one month more, but I find this only means the particular kind that is now in season.

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