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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 13, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Thursday 13th November 1788

Strong Breezes and fair Weather with a very hot Wind which I consider to be very unhealthy. Generally at EBN but at times all round the Compass. The Thermometer from 79 to 81¾. Five Men in the sick list to day. The additional one to yesterdays list being under the complaint of a Cramp.

Employed as yesterday, and in the morning to oblige Tynah I hauled the seine but caught no fish. At Noon 609 Bread fruit Plants potted and 11 Vees.

Tynah and his Brother Oreepyah with Odiddee and several others dined with me to day, and I took this opportunity to bring on a conversation about Omai in hopes to hear farther about him, and Odidde gave me this short history of his life from 1777. Soon after Captain Cook left Huaheine there were some disputes between the people of that Island and those of Ulietea, in which also the Natives of Bolabola or Borabora took a part. Omai now became of consequence from the possession of three or four Muskets and some ammunition, & he was consulted on the occasion. Whatever were the motives, such was Omai's opinion and assurances of success; that a War was determined on, and took place immediatly. Victory soon followed through the means of those few arms and many of the Ulietea & Borabora men were killed. The ammunition only lasted to end the contest, and they were in such a want for flints that the Musquets were at last fired by a fire stick. Peace was again established and Omai and Tyvarooah died natural deaths about 30 months after Captain Cook left them.

I asked if from this Victory Omai had gained any possessions or was of higher rank than we left him in. They said no, that he was just the same, which was only one class above a Towtow. This led me to enquire what were the different Ranks among them and they were classed as follows.

Erree.....................Lord of Cheif of the District
Ratarah or Manahownee.....Citizens

Having exposed myself much to the heat of the Sun and a dry scorching Wind, I was while at the Tents taken ill and continued in much pain for an hour. It was soon known among the Natives, and I was immediatly visited by Tynah and several principal People besides a number of Women, among whom were Iddeah and many othes of consequence, I was exceedingly surprized at this, and particularly as they all asked me how I did and offered their assistance. Tynah now seated himself on one side of me and his Wife Iddeah on the other, and began to gently squeeze my arms, legs and Body with their hands, which they called Oomee or Roomee. They now asked me if the disorder would kill me, and I accidentally saying it might perhaps, they suddenly changed countenance and an evident sorrow hung upon all of them. The word perhaps went round among them instantly and they cried exceedingly. Tynah seemed to be affected as much as any one and it was sometime before I could make them resume their former chearfulness. This happened in the Evening and in the Morning I had numberless enquiries how I did.

From this circumstance I may be allowed to conceive every favorable idea of these people. Surely they may be supposed to possess every degree of sensibility and affection. They are kind and humane to one the other beyond a doubt and are tender parents. What then have we need of more to prove, that in their natural civilization they have the leading virtues of a happy life.

Opoone the famous old Cheif of Bolabola died 30 months since.

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