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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 12, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Wednesday 12th November 1788

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with some showers of Rain. Wind at EBN & ESE and the Thermometer from 79° to 81½°.

Employed attending the Tents and cleaning ship not many of the Natives on board, but sufficient supplies. Still employed salting Pork.

The sick list to day contained two Men under the complaint Rheumatism one in the Flux and one recovering from the Cholera Morbus.

At Noon 487 Breadfruit Plants potted and 11 Vees which is a fine flavored apple. The Carpenters are still employed putting up by my directions some extra stands for the Plants.

Tynah was absent from me to day but I had Poeeno and some others to dine with me. Our Conversation being about Erreeoys I was very anxious to know the meaning of such a Society, but the accounts was so various I shall not say at this time any more about them, than they all agreed, it was in their power, and that they absolutely did limit the amours of the Tatatoa's, or fighting men. The reason of this was because the too frequent intercourse with women rendered them weak and not fit for war.

Odiddee assured me that the Vines and several other plants left by Captain Cook at Huaheine were still there and produced fruit. Others asserted there were also some of the Cattle alive at Eimeo or Morea and that two were at a district near Attahooroo. Many Plants were also floureshing at Oaitepeha.

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