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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 14, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Friday 14th November 1788

Strong Breezes and fair Weather with light Winds in the latter part. Wind at East and Variable in the SE. Thermometer from 79° to 82°. At Noon 719 Plants potted 12 of which are Vees. Employed attending the Tents and cleaning ship. Sufficient supplies as usual.

This afternoon having had Tynah, Oreepyah, Moannah and Poeeno to dine with me, I made them all very liberal presents at which they were surprized as I had already given them so much, but they realy deserved it from me, for the little trouble I have had since we have been here to collect the Plants, in which they have with the greatest chearfullness assisted us.

The Variety of Accounts I have had concerning the Cattle that were left here, have been very perplexing, but to day it was confidently asserted that there were two remaining on the Island. One at a district called Itteah, and the other at Tettahah, all the others having been taken away by the People of Morea or killed.

As I now had it in my own power to determine how far one part of the story was a fact. I told Tynah I was determined to go to Tettahah in the morning to see the Beast that was left there, and asked him, Poeeno and Oreepyah to accompany me, which they readily agreed to. I therefore ordered the launch to be got ready, and in the Morning at sunrise we left the ship.

The Cheif of Tettahah is called Teppahoo, and it is distant from this nearly 4 leagues.

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