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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 20, 1788

Sunday, Oct. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather and Light Breezes. Many Fish about and some Tropic Birds.

4:00 pm Ship pumped and Fresh Water put in as mentioned on the 18th.

8:00 pm Cloudy.

10:00 pm The Doctors Intoxication has given me much trouble these last five days having been obliged to be attentive with much anxiety to the complaints of four Men who complain of the Rheumatism, with some difficulty I got a Sick list from him to day with only John [actually Thomas] McIntosh in it under a Rheumatic complaint, the others he now seems to think nothing of but complyed with my wish to issue the decoction of Malt.

Monday, Oct. 20, 1788

5:00 am Rain.

8:00 am Fresh Trade and Rain. Got the Guns up and mounted them.

10:00 am Served Barley and Sugar for breakfast as before, and ordered Portable Soup for dinner for those Men who have the Rheumatism.

12:00 pm Strong Trade and Cloudy Weather. Fore Topmast Steering Sail and all Sails set.

Bligh signature

[*This page is signed by Wm Bligh as this is the last page of the first book.]

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