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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 19, 1788

Saturday, Oct. 18, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather and Cloudy. Calm all the latter part Rain in the Middle.

3:00 pm John Mills & William Brown refusing to dance this evening. I ordered their Grog to be Stopt with a promise of further punishment on a Second Refusal. I have always directed the Evenings from 5 to 8 O'Clock to be spent in dancing, & that every Man should be Obliged to dance as I considered it conducive to their Health.

9:00 pm William Brown complaining of some Rheumatic Complaints which he has had these three Weeks past, the Doctor insists upon it that it is Scurvey. But I can discover no Symptoms to lead me to be apprehensive of it.

Sunday, Oct. 19, 1788

2:00 am The decoction of Essence of Malt is continued to be Issued to all who complain of the Rheumatism and I have Ordered the Doctor to issue it himself.

8:00 am Mustered all hands & saw them clean and I think I never saw a more healthy set of Men and so decent looking in my life.

10:00 am
Performed Divine Service.

12:00 pm Light Airs. Albecores & Bonettoes, saw a Tropic Bird.

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