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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 18, 1788

Friday, Oct. 17, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather and Cloudy. Wind suddenly came to the North. In Steering Sails.

2:00 pm
I now gave Orders for Water to be put into one pump and pumped out with another so as to keep the pump going about 30 Minutes every Evening, as this I consider the best of Ventilation.

6:00 pmSqually and Rain.

9:00 pm Calm.

Saturday, Oct. 18, 1788

12:00 am Rain.

4:00 am Cloudy. Fish about.

7:00 am Saw a Flying Fish.

8:00 am Fair Weather and Cloudy. Served Sugar & Barley Gruel for breakfast. People employed cleaning & Washing Cloaths. Served decoction of Malt as Yesterday and on examining the Men who the Doctor supposed had a taint of the Scurvy it appeared to be nothing more than the prickly heat.
However their decoction I desired to be continued.

12:00 pm At Noon Fair Weather and Cloudy. Smooth Water.

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