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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 17, 1788

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1788

1:00 pm Light Airs and Cloudy Weather. Exercised Small Arms.

4:00 pm Drizling Rain.

5:00 pm Calm and Cloudy Weather. In Steering Sails.

9:00 pm Light Airs and Cloudy.

Friday, Oct. 17, 1788

5:00 am Set Steering Sails and Royal.

7:00 am Saw a Flying Fish.

8:00 am Served Pot Barley & Sugar to the People for breakfast and decoction of Essence Malt three times a day to three Men who complain of the Rheumatism. Krout, Vinegar, and Mustard every one has as much as he can use.

11:00 am Got the Cables up and cleaned well under them and every part of the Ship. Fair Weather and Cloudy.

12:00 pm Royal and all Sails set.

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