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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 16, 1788

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1788

1:00 pm Fair and pleasant Weather. Having now only One Small Cask of Malt remaining, and being so near a Port of Supplies of all kinds, I stopt serving Sweet Wort in preference to opening it, as what I could not use between this and Otaheite would be rendered good for nothing.

8:00 pm Very Cloudy.

10:00 pm Out Reefs and set Top Gallant & Topmast Steering Sails.

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1788

5:00 am Saw Some Bonitoes and Albacores. A Tropic Bird and some Sea Weed.

8:00 am I directed to day for the People to be served untill further Orders Pot Barley and Sugar every day for breakfast. Cleaned below. Served the three Men mentioned on the 14th ⅔ of a pint of ye decoction, three times a day. Served Krout in the Pease.

12:00 pm Cloudy Weather and Moist Air. Got an indifferent Observation. Almost Calm.

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