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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 15, 1788

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather & Cloudy and Pleasant Breezes.

3:00 pm Saw a Tropic Bird.

4:00 pm Ordered the three Men mentioned Yesterday to be served about ⅔ of a pint of decoction of Essence of Malt, three times a day. The proportion 3 Table Spoonfulls to a Quart of Water. This being the Surgeons opinion was sufficient.

11:00 pm Ditto Weather and a fine Moon. I was just able to get a Set of good Observations East of the Moon. The Wind backing to the NW I tacked at Midnight as getting to the North is now the Grand point with me.

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1788

8:00 am Served Oatmeal and Portable Soup as usual. Cleaned and Aired thoroughly below. Aired all bedding and Cloaths, and gave every one a Clean Hammock.

11:00 am Krout in the Pease as usual.

12:00 pm Fair and pleasant Weather. Saw a Tropic Bird this Morning. Under Single Reefs & all Sails on a Wind. The Whole Topsails being too deep on a Wind.

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