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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Oct. 1, 1788

Tuesday, Sep. 30, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Open Cloudy Weather. Birds about the Ship as Yesterday and a Whale.

8:00 pm Fair Weather. Out all Reefs.

11:00 pm Since I left the Cape of Good Hope my People have been at ⅔ Allowance of Bread, except while at Adventure Bay. But as I am now getting into a Warmer Climate I directed to day the ⅔ should be, (untill farther order) half Bread half Flour as I consider their having Flour to make a Salutary change in the Cookery of their Salt Meat.

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1788

6:00 am Light Winds and Fair Weather.

8:00 am Served Portale Soup as Usual and Sweet Wort.

9:00 amUnbent Main Topsail and Foresail and bent the Old Ones. Up Fore Top Gallant Mast.

11:00 am Opened a Cask of Pork No. 518 Contents 160 four pound peices.

12:00 pm Light Airs & Fine Weather. A few Albatrosses about the Ship.

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