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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 30, 1788

Monday, Sep. 29, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and Dark Cloudy Weather. In the course of this Evening many Birds came from the South. Some Pintada, Blue Peterels, Gannet Albatrosses (called so from the Plumage being very like a Gannet) some Sheerwater. A Whale also was near the Ship.

6:00 pm A Swell beginning to rise from South.

11:00 pm Many luminous Spots on the Water which by those we passed near were Blubbers or Species of the Medusa.

Tuesday, Sep. 30, 1788

2:00 am Fresh Gales in Steering Sails.

6:00 am Thick Weather and Rain.

8:00 am Very Squally. Double Reefed the Fore Topsail. Served Portable Soup as usual and Sweet Wort at 11 O'Clock.

11:00 am Cleaned below and employed making Spun Yarn.

12:00 pm Open Cloudy Weather. Out 2nd Reefs Fore Topsail. Sea from the South. Many Blue Peterels, Albatrosses and some Pintada Birds.

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