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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 25, 1788

Wednesday, Sep. 24, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather. In Main Top Mast Steering Sail and set the Fore Topmast. Many Albatrosses Peterels & some brown Sheerwaters about.

4:00 pm Caught an Albatross with Hook and line which measured 7 feet from tip to tip of the Wing.

8:00 pm In lower Steering Sails and 1st Reef Main Topsail.

Thursday, Sep. 25, 1788

12:00 am Fair Weather.

6:00 am Saw Some Rock Weed.

8:00 am Served Portable Soup as usual and at 11 O'Clock Sweet Wort a pint per Man.

10:00 am Cleaned and dryed below. Aired all bedding and Bags.

12:00 pm Fair Weather with a very hazy Horizon. A Fresh Gale and a following Sea. Few Birds.

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