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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 16, 1788

Monday, Sep. 15, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate and Gloomy wet Weather sometimes thick Fog and at others Calm and constant Rain

8:00 pm Calm Clued all sails up to prevent their beatng to peices and directed the people to take shelter from the Wet and go below to dry Cloaths by the Fire.

Tuesday, Sep. 16, 1788

4:00 am Light Breezes made sail.

8:00 am Served Hot Breakfast as usual. Cleaned below and dryed with Fires

12:00 pm Dark Gloomy Weather. Some Rock Weed. Mother Careys Chickens and Albatrosses. Under whole Topsails and Top Gallant Sails.

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