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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 15, 1788

Sunday, Sep. 14, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and very wet Weather with thick Fog at times

8:00 pm Fire kept in all night to dry Cloaths.

Monday, Sep. 15, 1788

1:00 am More Moderate.

6:00 am Some Divers and Rock Weed seen.

8:00 am Served Hot breakfast of Portable Soup Gruel as usual.

9:00 am Saw a Cape or Port Egmont Hen, some Seals and Rock Weed.

10:00 am Opened a Cask of Beef No. 437 Contents 80 Doubl peices. Cleaned & dryed with Fires

12:00 pm Very Wet and thick Weather with moderate Breezes. Out all Reefs

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