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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 17, 1788

Tuesday, Sep. 16, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Breezes with Squalls & very thick Rain

2:00 pm Double Reefed the Topsails and got down Main Top Gallant yard. Rock Weed seen.

8:00 pm More Moderate out 2nd Reefs.

10:00 pm Very Strong Breezes and thick Misty Weather at times Rain.

Wednesday, Sep. 17, 1788

7:00 amRock Weed seen

8:00 am Cloudy Weather. Served Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast as usual and Sour Krout.

10:00 am Cleaned and dryed below with Fires.

12:00 pm Very dark gloomy Weather and a very moist air. Under Single Reefs. Albatrosses, Mother Careys Chickens and Rock weed seen.

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