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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 17, 1788

Saturday, Aug. 16, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and fair Weather with Squalls of small Rain at times. Much Sea from the Westward.

Sunday, Aug. 17, 1788

12:00 am Open Cloudy Weather and the Moon at the full I had just time to get a set of Observations from Antares to the West from both Limbs.

6:00 am Set Fore Top Mast Steering Sail. Served Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast, & dinner as usual

8:00 am Mustered all hands & saw them clean. Issued Sweet Wort and Performed Divine Service.

12:00 pm Thick Rainy Weather with Intervals of Sun shine & a fresh Gale and long Sea from the Westward. Very few Birds.

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