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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 7, 1788

Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1788

1:00 pm The Weather now began to change and became moderate with Little Wind and Variable which settled the latter part of this day very suddenly in the South. The Air became much colder and many Birds made their appearance from the South. Albatrosses Pintadas & Peterels. Towards Noon it came fair Weather but the Clouds heavy in the South.

8:00 pm Made Sail occasionally

Thursday, Aug. 7, 1788

6:00 amSqually and Rain

8:00 am Served Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast as usual. Cleaned below and had three good fires to air the Ship.

11:00 am Served Sweet Wort a pint per man

12:00 pm Moderate breezes and fair Weather. Under Single Reefs. I got good observations for the Time Keeper but none could be got for the Variation.

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