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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 6, 1788

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1788

1:00 pm The Weather of this day has been very bad, being almost constant Rain and thick, with a very strong Gale and the Sea breaking constantly over us.

3:00 pm It moderates at times and the Main Topsail with four Reefs in it was Occasionally set and taken in.

6:00 pm The Ship being wet below I had two good fires between Decks and kept the Men as comfortable as possible. All Wet Cloaths were kept by the Galley Fire and got dryed by the time they were wanted.

Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1788

2:00 am In the morning the People received their good breakfast of Portable Soup Gruel as usual, and also very good Pease Soup for Dinner, having at 11 oClock their Pint of Sweet Wort each Man and Officer.

7:00 am Fires were continued below and the Ship got tolerably dry by Noon, when the weather had some appearance of Moderating.

10:00 am Some Albatrosses of different kinds as we have seen off Cape Horn, some small Blue Peterels and Sheerwaters but no Pintada Birds.

12:00 pm Got not any observations the Sun never being once out the 24 Hours.
Under Reef Courses and 4 Reefs in the Main Topsail

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