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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 5, 1788

Monday, Aug. 4, 1788

1:00 pm Hard Gale and the Sea breaking frequently over us with thick Rainy Weather and Squally.

3:00 pm Covered the Boats well with Coverings to prevent their filling with water. The Sea flying over our Lower yards.

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1788

7:00 am The Weather continuing just the same, I ordered and saw the Ship well dryed by fires. Served Portable Soup for breakfast and dinner as usual, and gave a Pint of Sweet Wort to every man at Eleven oClock

12:00 pm Momentary sights of the Sun through the Squalls enabled me to get a good Observation. Under Reefed Courses. Few Birds.

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