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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 3, 1788

Saturday, Aug. 2, 1788

1:00 pm Fine Weather and pleasant air

3:00 pm Some small showers of Rain.

4:00 pm Saw a small patch of Weed

8:00 pm Moderate and fair Weather with some Rain at times

Sunday, Aug. 3, 1788

12:00 am Fresh Breezes and cloudy

2:00 am Fresh Gales and Squally. In steering Sails and Double Reefs

8:00 am Some Weed seen. Portable Soup issued for breakfast and dinner as usual.
Cleaned below and performed Divine Service

12:00 pm Strong Gales and Squally in 4th Reefs Topsails. Albatrosses and Peterels as usual. Much Sea and breaking frequently over us from the NW.

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