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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 23, 1788

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and Squally and much Sea.

2:00 pm Set close Reefed Fore Topsail, saw a whale of the kind that have two blow holes at the back of the Head.

8:00 pmSwayed the main yard up and set close Reefed Main Topsail.

Wednesday, Jul. 23, 1788

12:00 am Hard Squalls handed Fore Topsail ship rolling very deep

7:00 am More Moderate. set Fore Topsail but could make no more Sail. Fair Weather.

8:00 am Gave the People a hot breakfast as yesterday & Portable Soup and Krout in their Pease. Issued clean Hammocks and got the dirty ones scrubed. The bedding that was wet all hung up to dry and such as was dirty I ordered to be washed and the owners to be supplied for the time with Slop Beds.

12:00 pm At Noon Strong Gales and Fair Weather with much Sea. Got the ship well cleaned and dryed. Under Triple Reef Topsails and Reefed Fore Sail.

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