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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 24, 1788

Wednesday, Jul. 23, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Gale with some Squalls of Rain. Out two Reefs of the Topsails & Swayed the Mizen Gaff up.

5:00 pm Out 2nd Reef of the Main Topsail

8:00 pm Moderate and fair Weather. Out Reef of the Fore Sail, but could make no more sail the sea being still very high.

Thursday, Jul. 24, 1788

2:00 am Fresh Gales and Squally Double Reefed the Main Topsail.

6:00 am Strong Gales and Squally with Rain at times and some bright intervals and continued so the remainder of this day.

9:00 am Cleaned below. Served Hot breakfast as usual and Portable Soup and Sour Krout with their Pease.

12:00 pm Under Double Reefs and Foresail. Got good observations, but could take none for the Variation the sea being so high. Some Pintada Birds, Blue Petereals and Albatrosses.

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