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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 22, 1788

Monday, Jul. 21, 1788

1:00 pm The Gales so very heavy and Sea so high that we cannot steer our Course being obliged to keep before the Sea.

4:00 pm It now became highly dangerous to run any longer I therefore lay too under a Reefed Fore Stay Sail and a Mizen Staysail, & Lowered the Lower Yards half Mast down. I had scarce got every thing done before we experienced as heavy a Storm as ever blew Hail and Sleet, the Sea also exceedingly high.

9:00 pm By a Violent Blow from a heavy Sea on the Quarter the Man at the Wheel was thrown over and was much bruized.

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 1788

12:00 am All Night a Fire was kept in and the People could sit tolerably well by it & dry Cloaths.

6:00 am The violence of the storm began now to abate, and 'tho still blowing exceedingly hard was bearable to what we had suffered in the course of the Night.

9:00 am Bore away under a Reefed Foresail with a high Sea and a hard Gale. Gave my People a Hot Breakfast of thick Gruel mixed with Portable Soup.

12:00 pm The Gale still moderating. Employed all the Forenoon drying and making the People as comfortable as possible. Bright intervals of Sun Shine with Some Squalls of Sleet.

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