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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 21, 1788

Sunday, Jul. 20, 1788

1:00 pm An hour had scarce elapsed before it blew a most severe Storm, and before We could get the Sails in it drove us Fore Castle under, but we brought too under the Mizen Staysail without Accident.

5:00 pm Got the Top Gallant Masts down on Deck and Mizen Topsail Yard. Lowered the Lower Yard half down, got in the Jib Boom and struck the Mizen Topmast Gaff and Crossjack Yard.

8:00 pm Set the Fore Staysail and the Ship lay well too. Gave every Man a Dram and sent them below by a good fire.

11:00 pm The weather continued the same with heavy Squalls of Hail and Snow untill 8 In the Morning when it moderating a little I bore away under a Reefed Fore Sail.

Monday, Jul. 21, 1788

2:00 am Gave all hands a breakfast of Portable Soup and Oatmeal.

5:00 am All the Forenoon employed cleaning and drying Cloaths by the Fire.

8:00 am Towards Noon some small intervals of Sun Shine between very hard Squalls of Hail, and blowing a Storm of Wind with a very high Sea and the Ship Scuding before it.

12:00 pm Got Observations with much difficulty. I generally allow lying too in a heavy Gale the Ship as much more as the distance is by log.

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