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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 20, 1788

Saturday, Jul. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Variable Winds with Rain untill two oclock when it came on to blow exceedingly hard and brought us under a close Reef Main Topsail and Fore Sail.

6:00 pm Very hard Gale with severe Squalls of Rain and continued so all night.

Sunday, Jul. 20, 1788

8:00 am Gale very severe with Violent Squalls of Hail, but bright intervals of sun shine.

10:00 am Saw the People all clean and Performed Divine Service. Aired below with Fires.

12:00 pm Gale worse and wil oblige us to lay too if it does not go down. A very high Sea. Scudding under four Reefs Main Topsail & Foresail

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