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Previous Jul. 6, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJul. 8, 1788Next

Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 7, 1788

Sunday, Jul. 6, 1788

1:00 pm Cloudy Weather with Intervals of sun shine. Some Skipjacks seen. Sheerwaters & Pintada Birds

6:00 pm Severe Lightning

8:00 pmFlaws of Wind at times like being in the Neighbourhood of Land.

Monday, Jul. 7, 1788

12:00 amSqualls of Rain and very severe Lightning with distant Thunder

4:00 am Ditto Weather double Reefed the Topsails

8:00 am Thunder and Lightning with Rain and very dark gloomy Weather and confused Sea. Saw a whale

10:00 am Very bad Weather, and violent Winds threatning from every quarter. Took in all Sails but the Topsail and got down Main Top Gallant yard.

12:00 pm At Noon blowing Strong with most severe Thunder & Lightning. Under the Topsail and Mizen Stay Sail

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