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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 6, 1788

Monday, May. 5, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather with Lulls at times, lowering the Topsails Occasionally.

6:00 pm Ditto Weather with some Squalls.

8:00 pm Fresh Gales with frequent Intervals of little Wind and sometimes Strong Squalls.

11:00 pm Course Altered on account of the Squalls to keep the Sails full.

Tuesday, May. 6, 1788

2:00 am More Moderate out Reefs & set Steering Sails.

7:00 am Strong Breezes & open Cloudy Weather. Got up all Bedding & Bags with Cloaths. Dryed below with Fires. Carpenter & Boatswain Employed about necessary duties. Served Sweet Wort as before.

10:00 am Employed about the Rigging.

12:00 pm Very Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather. Under Courses & Double Topsails. Brown Albatrosses which our Seamen call Old Curates. Blue Peterels, Pintada Birds & some Port Egmont Hens about.

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