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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 4, 1788

Saturday, May. 3, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales & Squally with Hail & Snow with some intervals of Sun Shine but could make no Observations with any certainty. Saw some Rock Weed.

6:00 pm Shortened Sail to Single Reefs. A sudden opposition of different Winds took place and caused a kind of Whirlwind, it laid us aback for a Minute when the former Wind prevailed & we met with no accident.

10:00 pm Variable Winds with Hard Squalls & Hail. Lightning to the Northward. Obliged frequently to keep before the Squalls.

Sunday, May. 4, 1788

1:00 am Corpo Sant[*] some electrical Vapour seen about the Iron at the Yard Arms about the Size of the Blaze of a Candle.

4:00 am Topsails on the Cap. In 2nd & 3rd Reefs.

5:00 am A Hard Gale with repeated severe Squalls of Hail & Sleet. Obliged to keep before it frequently the reason of the Course being Altered.

8:00 am Ditto Weather. Aired below with Fires. Mustered the Ships Company, saw them Clean.

10:00 am Served a Pint of Sweet Wort to all hands and performed Divine Service.

12:00 pm Ditto Gales. Under Close Reef Main Topsail & Foresail, the Sea high & breaking frequently over us. The sun appeared about Noon & got a good Observation.

1 point East Variation. 1½ Point to leeward for the Southerly Sea and bearing up.

[* corposant: St. Elmo's fire.]

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