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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 27, 1788

Saturday, Apr. 26, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gale and Hazy Weather.

4:00 pm Saw an Ice bird, the same kind as mentioned on the 20th March. This Bird is certainly Web footed and therefore differs from the Snow Peterel at Staten Land as described by Captain Cook, but otherwise I should have supposed it to have been the Same; but I only judged of its being Web footed from seeing it in the Act of perching and I may be mistaken for it has an appearance of a Carrion Bird (altho White) as described.

Sunday, Apr. 27, 1788

3:00 am Many Porpoises about the Ship.

6:00 am Fine Weather set Fore Top Mast & Lower Steering Sail and out all Reefs.

10:00 am Dryed below with Fires.

12:00 pm Fair Weather. Mustered the People and Saw them all Clean and performed Divine Service. Served Sweet Wort as usual.

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